The Company

About us

innoventis GmbH specializes in development of software for microcontroller realtime-systems. We put our focus on software components and engineering services for connecting electronic devices in automobile and related sectors. Hereby we support our customers with software components, development services and equipment for testing, calibration and diagnostics.

With reliability, motivation and a maximum of quality awareness as our driving philosophy we can create individual and customized solutions, also in fieldwork directly at the customer. As a flexible and dynamic team we also handle special tasks. Our primary goal is the optimal solution for your problem.

We are located in the InnoHubs Building Wuerzburg.

The Company

We are a software service-provider for the automotive supplier industry in the network-related sector including CAN- and Lin-Bus. innoventis offers specialized services and has put its main focus on diagnostics and communication.

So our customers can concentrate on the development and enhancement of the physical product. As a customer you have through innoventis the required special knowledge available without having to hold it yourself.


Electronical systems in automobiles and machines have been fast-paced. Some years ago there were mainly Stand-alone-systems, today there are complex, connected systems with strong internal interactions developed by many different suppliers.

The reason for the growing importance of electronics in the automobile sector are these goals, which can only be accomplished by powerful and intelligent systems:

  • improved performance
  • improved efficiency
  • more security
  • more comfort
  • better environmental safety
  • cost reduction

The vision of innoventis is the positioning in this sector as an expert for connected embedded systems with high and highest reliability requirements.

innoventis wants to be a dependable partner in the development of ECUs and a reliable supplier of project-wide applicable software components.